Entertainment Cabinet

After getting a LCD TV, we realized our over-sized entertainment cabinet needed to be replaced with a smaller and more contemporary cabinet. We drew the cabinet on Sketchup first, then created the cabinet using a construction technique using lamination.

The sides, top and shelves are 1 1/4 thick and appear to be solid oak. They are actually laminated as follows:

1/4 inch plywood top
3/4 inch filler stock in a frame shape (pine)
1/4 inch plywood bottom
Adhesive backed edge banding (heat applied)

Here's the finished product.

Arduino LM35 Sensor

My son Paul and I recently finished a project using the Arduino Diecimila microcontroller in conjunction with the Processing open source programming environment to monitor temperature.

The project contains 3 parts:
1. The Arduino board with sensor circuit.
2. The Arduino program.
3. The Processing program.

The Arduino Board with Sensor Circuit
The Arduino circuit board is connected to the LM35 Celsius Temperature sensor. Here is a picture of the project circuit with illustrated wires connected to the temperature sensor.

We used the on board power source (5v and Gnd) to power the LM35 and analog pin 0 (zero) to read the analog output from the sensor. Here's a picture of the circuit wired on a breadboard.

The LM35 temperature sensor's pin-out and package information is as follows:

The Arduino Program

The open-source Arduino environment allows us to write code and load it onto the Arduino board's memory. The development environment is written in Java and based on Processing, avr-gcc, and other open source software.

The Arduino code loops every second to read output from the LM35, converting the analog output into Celsius and sending the data to the computer via a serial communication connection (USB).

Here's the code used to run the Arduino board:

//declare variables
float tempC;
int tempPin = 0;

void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); //opens serial port, sets data rate to 9600 bps

void loop()
tempC = analogRead(tempPin); //read the value from the sensor
tempC = (5.0 * tempC * 100.0)/1024.0; //convert the analog data to temperature
Serial.print((byte)tempC); //send the data to the computer
delay(1000); //wait one second before sending new data
The Processing Program
The software client portion of this project runs on a PC and is written in Processing. Processing is a language and development environment similar to Arduino and designed for creating visual effects programs. We used Processing to create a small client that can read the serial data from the Arduino board and display the temperature on a slider and in both Celsius and Fahrenheit. We also added a rolling 100 data point graph to display historical temperature data. Here's a screen shot of the Processing application:

Here is the code used for the visual portion of the project:

//import Serial communication library
import processing.serial.*;

//init variables
Serial commPort;
float tempC;
float tempF;
int yDist;
PFont font12;
PFont font24;
float[] tempHistory = new float[100];

void setup()
//setup fonts for use throughout the application
font12 = loadFont("Verdana-12.vlw");
font24 = loadFont("Verdana-24.vlw");

//set the size of the window
size(210, 200);

//init serial communication port
commPort = new Serial(this, "COM10", 9600);

//fill tempHistory with default temps
for(int index = 0; index<100; index++)
tempHistory[index] = 0;

void draw()
//get the temp from the serial port
while (commPort.available() > 0)
tempC = commPort.read();

//refresh the background to clear old data

//draw the temp rectangle
colorMode(RGB, 160); //use color mode sized for fading
stroke (0);
rect (49,19,22,162);
//fade red and blue within the rectangle
for (int colorIndex = 0; colorIndex <= 160; colorIndex++)
stroke(160 - colorIndex, 0, colorIndex);
line(50, colorIndex + 20, 70, colorIndex + 20);

//draw graph
for (int index = 0; index<100; index++)
if(index == 99)
tempHistory[index] = tempC;
tempHistory[index] = tempHistory[index + 1];
point(90 + index, 180 - tempHistory[index]);

//write reference values
text("212 F", 45, 25);
text("32 F", 45, 187);

//draw triangle pointer
yDist = int(160 - (160 * (tempC * 0.01)));
triangle(75, yDist + 20, 85, yDist + 15, 85, yDist + 25);

//write the temp in C and F
text(str(int(tempC)) + " C", 115, 37);
tempF = ((tempC*9)/5) + 32;
text(str(int(tempF)) + " F", 115, 65);



Here's some information on the pummer I built over Christmas break. I decided to take a few components and breadboard a flashing circuit. After looking on the Internet and trying some different things, I found a very low current 2 LED flashing transistor circuit. The circuit alternates the LEDs and gives a nice brisk attention grabbing look.

I also created a sensor circuit using an IR detector transistor and a switching transistor that disables the flashing circuit in the presence of light. Interestingly enough, florescent light bulbs (of which are common place in our home's lamps now) don't seem to emit enough IR to keep the flashing circuit disabled. So, evenings finding this pummer flashing away even with the lights are on in our home. Just a touch of sunlight seems to shut it off.

For power storage I've gone outside the bounds of true BEAMing by using two NiMH AAA batteries. These are charged by the 4.5 volt solar panel, so there is plenty of charging potential during the day. I use a diode to prevent leakage back through the solar panel which could prematurely discharge the batteries.

The mast is a single piece of 14 guage copper wire used as the common conductor for the two LEDs. The LEDs are soldered directly to the mast and are connected through a thin 2-conductor ribbon cable back to the circuit.

Here is a video demonstrating the flashing - sorry for the low light in the picture. Oh, yes, the spot lights in our kitchen are still the old fashion incandescent - so this demonstration worked well. :)