Coleman Camp Axe (Hatchet) Review

I would like to start off by saying that I am not paid or affiliated with Coleman in any manner. That being said, I would like to offer my honest opinion of the Coleman Camp Axe. There are both positives and negatives about the Coleman Camp Axe.

Among the Positives is quality for price. The Coleman Camp Axe cost around $8.00 making it very affordable. The Coleman Camp Axe weighs 1.6 pounds making it very lightweight for backpacking. The axe head is made out of drop forged carbon steel. The handle is constructed out of forged steel making it very strong. We beat up the handle really bad and could not damage it. The Coleman Camp Axe has a nice rubber grip. The axe chops small trees quickly and with ease.

For the price, we did not find many things we did not like about the Coleman Camp Axe. To be honest we were very surprised with the axe. Among the negatives is the fact that the axe comes very dull and will need to be sharpened. Another negative is because of the axes super light weight it is not a very effective splitting tool. We were able to split wood without damaging the axe by buttoning the handle with a larger piece of wood, but this is not recommended.

Overall we found the Coleman Camp Axe to be a reliable quality product from Coleman. We feel that the positives outweigh the negatives greatly. If you are on a budget or just need a low price axe I recommend the Coleman Camp Axe. Below is a video demonstration of the Coleman Camp Axe in Action.

Middle Class Survival

Middle Class Survival

We just need to look at our bank statement to see the middle class and our way of life is under siege. While many Americans are struggling to keep their heads above these turbulent financial waters, it feels as we are swimming against a riptide. At risk, our financial security and providing our children with a brighter future than we had at their age.

So how do we fight back against what seems like the biggest assault against the middle class in our time?

We start by making good choices, we need to change tactics on the way we consume. Instead of being labeled as consumers we need to become prosumers. We need to make sure that every dollar we spend matters.

Many large corporations in this country spend millions of dollars lobbying Washington politicians for special perks and favors. While the middle class does not benefit by having a lobby to represent our needs, we do have an amazing weapon at our disposal. We have a choice to vote with our dollars. We can choose to buy products from companies that support American jobs rather than their bottom line. Companies that are ethical and care about their customers.

Greed is the reason we are in this economical mess today. It was greed orchestrated by a small group of people in positions of power that has affected so many good honest hard working people.

Until we start making smart financial choices that affect the bottom line of greedy banks and corporations, and enhance the bottom lines of good ones, we will continue to be victimized by their greed.

We can also make sure our votes are not squandered on politicians that do not have a strong moral compass. Cast your votes for politicians that make the hard decisions based on what's best for our country not their own party or self interest.

By staying informed on what is happening and becoming active in letting your elected officials know when they are about to screw up, our voices will be heard loud and clear come election time.