More on Vanadis 4 Extra

Here is an interesting review about one of my Vanadis 4 E knives:
Zvi's steel composition chart is quite comprehensive, and list similar steels from different standards.

Survival a State of Mind or Just Plain Luck?

Survival a State of Mind or Just Plain Luck?

With record numbers of tornado's turning many people's lifetime of memories into rubble, it is a good reminder of what it takes to survive. When nature strikes, even the best intentions may not be enough.
Preparing for disaster is often simply easing ones mind that when hard times roll, it is better to have the foresight to have prepared, have food and supplies set aside than get caught unaware and without.

Watching the news the last few days, it broke my heart to see so many good people's lives turned upside down. We can only find some comfort knowing that many people survived simply because they had the sense to buy a survival radio which alerted them from a deep slumber to give them time to prepare and escape imminent danger.

If you have not yet taken the time to buy a weather radio with automatic weather emergency alerts, I urge you to take a look at our survival radio page and buy one today. You family's survival may depend on it some day!

But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. Peter 3:14