How to Start a Fire with a Magnifying Glass

A magnifying glass should be a part of everyone’s survival kit. The great thing about a magnifying glass is that it can be used over and over again. On dry sunny days it makes no sense to waste your waterproof matches, magnesium strip or other fire starters. You will only need to gather some basic items to start a fire with a magnifying glass. You will need some dried out grass, cattail, or any other easily combustible material. You will also need some pine straw or leaves. Gather some pine and hard wood twigs and gather some bigger pieces of wood. Hard wood will burn longer than soft wood, but soft wood is better for starting the fire.

1. Form your dry grass into the shape of a birds nest.

2. Focus the suns light through the magnifying glass. The focused light will appear as a very bright small dot. The pile of grass should start to smoke immediately. Keeping your light focused work around in an outward circular motion slowly. It should take about two minutes to catch on fire. It may take longer than two minutes so be patient if it does not ignite quickly.

3. Once your grass or cattail has ignited place the pine straw or leaves on top. The leaves and pine straw should combust quickly.

4. You are now ready to add your twigs make sure you do not smother your fire or it will go out. Cross the twigs leaving gaps for the fire to breath.

5. You can now start adding bigger pieces of wood to your fire.

When making a fire in the woods make sure to clear a five to ten foot radius around your fire area to avoid catching debris outside the area on fire. Below is a quick video tutorial. Be sure to properly extinguish your fire as it may reignite later.