Vacuum Fluorescent Display (continued)

I've continued to work with the display I referred to in my last entry. It may seem like a small step, but I carefully calculated what resistor I would need to properly power the VFD filament from a 12 volt power supply. I did indeed power the filament and saw in a dark room the soft glow of the orange heaters.

Next, I decided to power the actual grids and plates to see the display light it's blue display elements. Here is a picture of the display I am using. It's a Futaba 6-BT-65ZK (Part Number 4230782). I know very little about Futaba part numbers, but I did find that most followed this format. I was unable to find a reference sheet on this actual display.

I attached 12 volts to each grid and tested each plat to see which elements lit up. After
documenting the display connections, I arrived at this pin out for my display. As you can see, there are not many elements and it's geared towards a clock radio in a car.

Letters A - G apply to the segments in the 7-segment display characters. For more information on which element corresponds with which letter, see this Wikipedia image.

Next, I will be trying to figure out how to drive the display using a multiplexer circuit in conjunction with an Arduino. I'll keep you posted on what I discover along the way. :)