Purpose of this blog


Thanks for checking my blog out, the purpose of this site is to provide information on survival.
I have recently started my journey into the world of survival be it in an Urban enviroment or in the wilderness. I have always been a fan of "Gear" relating to survival and have never really thought about the possibility that I would ever be in a true survival scenario, I mean I dont travel the Jungle, climb mountains, swim in shark infested oceans,but you know what, never say never!
Im originally from the UK where there are very few dangerous animals apart from the human ones, the weather is pretty mild and predictable but over the last twenty years the country has started to see the firsts, first eartquakes, tornadoes, major floods, hurricanes, now not on a massive scale as in other parts of the world but its heading that way.
We are also all aware of the energy crisis thats been looming over us for over twenty years, how much longer will we have the ability to flick that switch and have electricity flow out to power all of our gadgets and toys? How long will we have heat at a flick of a switch? most living dwellings no longer have fireplaces so the option to provide a heat source for your self in the home is gone. How much longer will we have petrol(gas) to run our cars and SUVs?
Food...food is no longer the cheap item it has been for so long, rising fuel costs and the turning over of food crops to fuel crops is rising, which in turn raises the price of the raw ingredients.
So basically our easy western lives are gonna change dramatically at some point because we can no longer meet demand with the limited resources the planet has to offer us.
Survival, my thoughts have returned to the basics, water, Fire, shelter, first aid,food, navigation.
Now all of these skills mankind used to possess, and in lots of areas of the world the skills required for day to day survival are used.
Western living has destroyed the need for these skills to be taught/learnt although there is a growing number of people who are waking up to the idea that re-learning these skills could be beneficial.
Hence the demands for information regarding survival all over the net and places like you tube.
With the advances in technology the "Gear" you can purchase for survival is amazing,but remember all the gear in the world will not replace the knowledge you need to use it or if you are in a situation with limited or no gear knowledge is all you will have!
I have no military background or survival training so Im going to show my journey into the world of survival and share my thoughts and ideas with anyone who wants to listen.