Water - Food - Shelter 3 Keys to Survival

Water - Food - Shelter 3 Keys to Survival

When preparing for what may come, water, food and shelter are the three main ingredients to survival. We only need to look back a few thousand years and see how our early cousins survived in a much harsher environment. Without clean drinking water we will die rather quickly, food and shelter are equally important to give us energy and protect us from the elements. Tools to hunt with, prepare food, build fire for warmth, and offer protection from all kinds of predators. Both with two legs and four. These are the items that make up a well stocked survival cache.

There are two frames of thought, do you stay put or bug out? Depends on where you are located. Those unfortunate souls that are located in a large metropolitan area, unfortunately will need to bug out. The country folk will be fine for a while until the city masses run out of food and start knocking on their doors for food. Ultimately the safest scenario is to bug out deep into the wilderness for a period of time. This greatly reduces the danger from two legged predators. Unfortunately, for those not fit or prepared to survive the elements, it opens up an entire new set of challenges.