2012 - End of the World Near?

2012 - End of the World Near?

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The 2012 end of the world near prediction is on many people's minds these days. Scientists normally are skeptical of any paranormal activity. Naturally they set out to prove once and for all that the Mayan Calender is an anomaly or a fluke that can't be documented and scientifically analyzed the end of the world prediction of 2012.

Their theory was that spiritual ecstasies of Shamans was ascribed to chemical constituents of their local brew that can enhance spiritual activities. They surmised their local brew which was derived from a local herb native to the Amazon, called ayahuasca.

They performed scientific analysis only to discovered it contains a compound that enhances brain activities that resemble the natural secretions from the pineal gland. They took the herbs themselves and experienced what was later described as altered state of consciousness.

Their research led them to linking the activity of the herb in a lengthy research too complex to explain here, they were able to access information on Nuclear Deoxyribonucleic Acid, DNA, and were able to measure the wavelengths of radiations coming from atoms and subatomic particles involved.
They than created what was described as a time wave for these particles. By applying the same principle to the earth, they were able to create a time wave of history. They discovered that all the waves synchronized - both the earth and atomic waves - just once, and that was the year 2012 AD.

When Cortez invaded the land of the Mayans back in 507AD, the conquistadors destroyed most of their sacred writings. Fortunately five of their books were able to be saved. The thing that puzzled archeologists most was that their Mayan calendars abruptly ended in December 21, 2012.

Will the World End in 2012?

Ever since the calenders were discovered, many theories evolved terrorizing the End of the World in 2012.

1. The beginning of the time of the god-men on earth, resulting in a period of peace;
2. The emergence and integration of the Divine Feminine into all aspects of society.
3. The change from the fourth world to fifth world
4. The collision of the earth with an asteroid from outer space.
5. The taking over of the earth by aliens from other space,
6. The end of the world as we know it and
7. The reversal of North and South Pole.

Much Greater Chance of Natural Disaster in 2012

While many of these theories are just pure speculation, chances are very high the Earth will continue to turn and life will continue to go on as we know it.  A more likely scenario,  we will continue to be affected by man made or weather related natural disasters. In the mean time relax, being prepared offers us much greater peace of mind and will help offset fears of the many 2012 - End of the World Near theories and predictions presented online.