Ultimate Survival Deluxe Survival Kit - Black

Deluxe Survival Kit

Ultimate Survival KitThe Deluxe Survival Kit is a collection of some of the world's finest camping and survival gear, containing what you need to start a fire, cut limbs for shelter, and signal for help. Whatever you do outdoors, (camping, hiking, climbing, hunting, fishing, etc.) these premier recreational, safety and camping supplies can simplify your life every day, and can help save your life on the worst days. This kit is ideal for your backpack, glovebox, ATV or boat.

Includes:BlastMatch™ Fire Starter:
Simply put it is the world's finest one-handed fire starter! It generates intensely hot sparks three times hotter than a standard match. Once you?ve tried it you'll never go back to flint again.
BlastMatch™ is safe, easy-to-use, and works in any weather.

WetFire™ Tinder:
You will love this amazing fire starting tinder is non-toxic, odorless, smokeless, and you can start a fire even in the driving rain. In fact, WetFire™ t... More >>

Ultimate Survival Deluxe Survival Kit - Black