Coleman Camp Axe (Hatchet) Review

I would like to start off by saying that I am not paid or affiliated with Coleman in any manner. That being said, I would like to offer my honest opinion of the Coleman Camp Axe. There are both positives and negatives about the Coleman Camp Axe.

Among the Positives is quality for price. The Coleman Camp Axe cost around $8.00 making it very affordable. The Coleman Camp Axe weighs 1.6 pounds making it very lightweight for backpacking. The axe head is made out of drop forged carbon steel. The handle is constructed out of forged steel making it very strong. We beat up the handle really bad and could not damage it. The Coleman Camp Axe has a nice rubber grip. The axe chops small trees quickly and with ease.

For the price, we did not find many things we did not like about the Coleman Camp Axe. To be honest we were very surprised with the axe. Among the negatives is the fact that the axe comes very dull and will need to be sharpened. Another negative is because of the axes super light weight it is not a very effective splitting tool. We were able to split wood without damaging the axe by buttoning the handle with a larger piece of wood, but this is not recommended.

Overall we found the Coleman Camp Axe to be a reliable quality product from Coleman. We feel that the positives outweigh the negatives greatly. If you are on a budget or just need a low price axe I recommend the Coleman Camp Axe. Below is a video demonstration of the Coleman Camp Axe in Action.

Middle Class Survival

Middle Class Survival

We just need to look at our bank statement to see the middle class and our way of life is under siege. While many Americans are struggling to keep their heads above these turbulent financial waters, it feels as we are swimming against a riptide. At risk, our financial security and providing our children with a brighter future than we had at their age.

So how do we fight back against what seems like the biggest assault against the middle class in our time?

We start by making good choices, we need to change tactics on the way we consume. Instead of being labeled as consumers we need to become prosumers. We need to make sure that every dollar we spend matters.

Many large corporations in this country spend millions of dollars lobbying Washington politicians for special perks and favors. While the middle class does not benefit by having a lobby to represent our needs, we do have an amazing weapon at our disposal. We have a choice to vote with our dollars. We can choose to buy products from companies that support American jobs rather than their bottom line. Companies that are ethical and care about their customers.

Greed is the reason we are in this economical mess today. It was greed orchestrated by a small group of people in positions of power that has affected so many good honest hard working people.

Until we start making smart financial choices that affect the bottom line of greedy banks and corporations, and enhance the bottom lines of good ones, we will continue to be victimized by their greed.

We can also make sure our votes are not squandered on politicians that do not have a strong moral compass. Cast your votes for politicians that make the hard decisions based on what's best for our country not their own party or self interest.

By staying informed on what is happening and becoming active in letting your elected officials know when they are about to screw up, our voices will be heard loud and clear come election time.

Every Day Carry (EDC) (SHTF Survivalist)

Every day carry items are things you carry with you every day. From a survival stand point there are a few things to keep with you at all times. There are three items no one should leave home without.

A good pocket knife should be part of your EDC. There are many uses for a good pocket knife. Pocket knives can be used to cut rope, build shelter, skin animals, and personal defense just to name a few. I recommend never leaving home without a good pocket knife.

A fire steel or lighter should also be part of your EDC. Being able to start a fire on demand is something no one should be without. A Fire can be used to boil water for safe drinking. A fire can also be used to keep warm or ward off dangerous predators. Having a way to make a fire can mean the difference between life and death in a survival situation.

The last item no one should leave home without is a multi-tool. Multi-tools can be used to cut, bend, and pry things. Multi tools can also be used to put together or take apart mechanical things with screws and bolts. Multi-tools can be used in unconventional ways too. With so many uses a multi-tool is something everyone should carry every day.

A pocket knife, way to start fire, and multi-tool should be part of your EDC. These three items are the best tools you can keep on your person. Having these three items will greatly increase your chance of survival should a survival situation occur. Don’t forget to check your pockets next time you leave your home.

Bug Out Bag

A bug out bag or BoB is a great way to be prepared for disaster. There are a few things to consider when preparing a bug out bag: what kind of bag to get, the duration your BoB will need to be able to sustain you, and what to pack.

There are many bug out bags on the market. Among the more popular bug out bags are Molle and Alice packs. These military style packs are great and come in many different sizes with many attachments. Mountaineering packs, like Alps produce, are also great for bugging out. Whatever type of bag you get make sure that it fits your personal needs.

When picking out a bug out bag, you will have to have an idea of how long you would like your bag to be able to sustain you. The longer you need sustainment, the larger your pack will have to be. Some bug out bags are meant to sustain you for one day, other bags for 72 hours or more. Packs start around 2700 cubic inches and go all the way up to 6200 cubic inches.

After you have a Bug out Bag, you will need to decide on what to pack. Water and food should be high on your list of priorities. Any medication you are taking should also be included in your BoB pack. A medical kit and way to make fire is also a good idea. I also recommend a sleep system and some cook wear.

Now that you know a little about bug out bags, get moving and start you own. A bug out bag can greatly improve your chances of surviving in an emergency situation. Below is a video of my bug out bag for your enjoyment.

Ozark Trail Hobo Tool

I would like to start off by saying that I am not paid nor am I affiliated with Ozark Trail in any manner. That being said I would like to give you my honest review of the Ozark Trail Hobo Tool. The Ozark Trail Hobo Tool is a neat little multi tool for eating. In this blog I will go over the positives and negatives pertaining to the Hobo Tool.

Among the positives is affordability. Priced at three dollars U.S. currency the Ozark Trail Hobo Tool is priced to sell. The Ozark Trail Hobo Tool is constructed well and feels durable. Seven in one tool makes the Ozark Trail Hobo Tool a versatile tool. The seven tools are as follows: can opener, bottle opener, corkscrew, awl, knife, spoon, and a fork.

The negatives are as follows. The can opener is not engineered very well making it a time consuming process just to open a can. There is no locking mechanism for the knife, fork, or spoon making the Ozark Trail Hobo Tool dysfunctional for a left hander person to use. I find the awl to be a waste of a tool. I would of much rather have a tooth pick.

In all I give the Ozark Trail Hobo Tool 5 out of 7 stars since five out of the seven tools are useful. As long as you are not a left hander the Ozark Trail Hobo Tool is an affordable and compact way to take care of your utensil needs.

Buck Paklite 143 Review

I would like to start off by saying that I am not paid or affiliated with Buck in any manner. That being said I would like to offer my honest review of the Buck Paklite 143. There are both positives and negatives about the Paklite.

Among the positives is quality for price. The Paklite cost about twenty U.S. dollars compared to the ESEE IZULA’s sixty dollar price tag. The Paklite is constructed out of 428C stainless steel and come razor sharp. It weighs in at 2.8 ounces. Although designed as a light weight skinning tool the Paklite is a cutting machine for its size. The Paklite slashes through hardwood with ease and also batons size appropriate wood fairly well.

Although the Paklite is a great knife there are some negative things about it. The handle is a little short for the average person’s hand. The Duracoat falls off quickly with regular use. Underside of the Paklite is a little dangerous because of the short handle.

For the most part the Buck Paklite 143 is a great knife for the price. If you are looking for a light weight and durable knife that can take a beating than this is the knife for you.

How to Make a Paracord Survival Bracelet (Cobra Weave)

From lashing things together to hanging you gear in the trees paracord has hundreds of uses. A paracord bracelet is a great way to take a little extra with you. In this short video tutorial I will show you how to make a cobra weave paracord bracelet.

Everyone Buying Gold - Should You?

Everyone Buying Gold - Should You?

We only need to turn on the news our read any newspaper to realize our economy is in the toilet. What does this mean for us who are trying to maintain and prepare for tomorrow? It means we need to be smart, now is not the time to panic and buy into the gold frenzy that many people are falling into these days.

While gold has it's place in our investment strategy right now it is the current bubble of choice in our uncertain economy. Many of us that were alive through the last few decades,  have seen a few other bubbles and the hysteria associated with them. First came the bubble, new web start-ups grossly overvalued as the hype and lure of high profits had investors falling over themselves waiting in line to invest. Many ordinary people become instant millionaires overnight and soon after the bubble burst many of these same people ended up loosing everything and found themselves broke.

More recently the housing market was the bubble of choice, people investing their life savings and buying up real estate at an unprecedented rate. Soon the rug was pulled out and many of these same people are now renting after having lost everything in foreclosure to the banks and wall street who perpetuated the biggest scam of our time laughing all the way to the bank.

This brings us to our current bubble, while many are saying that gold will go up and it may for a short time, eventually it will come crashing down just like every other bubble in the past. Why buy gold now when you can use your money to buy many durable items that are not valued as high as gold is right now. Hard durable goods that don't have a shelf life and one can day help you survive will bring more real value than gold.

Many people that have gold think that this will be their key to survival if the dollar collapses. In my opinion it's better to invest in .999 silver coins, as this will become the currency of choice post paper dollar. Other good investments are things you can barter with, something people will always need.  Guns, knives, ammo or other hand tools, anything with a long shelf life that will become scarce ISHTF, are all great items to stock up on now while they are affordable.

For those of you that are lucky enough to have money to invest and are wondering what to buy? The answer is simple, real estate is way undervalued right now. You will never have a better time to get in on the ground floor of the next bubble. With the world's population increasing and the limited amount of land available, real estate will always be a sound investment. Any of these are all still a much better investments than our paper based currency. Although in a survival situation, with toilet paper being scarce, our paper currency may have value worth far more than gold.

  • Diameter is 38 mm
  • Silver is .9999 pure
Product Description
The Royal Canadian Mint has placed a strict and and low mintage on these coins. With the unprecedented demand of these gorgeous .9999 fine silver coins in Europe and the rest of the world, these Timber Wolf coins will sell out very fast! The Canadian Timber Wolf coin is the first coin released in the Royal Canadian Mint's 3-year long "Canadian Wildlife Coin Series" program. The obverse of the coin bears Queen Elizabeth II with a $5.00 CAN face value. The reverse has a beautifully designed Canadian Timber Wolf, with the moon and night time mountain side landscape behind this majestic Canadian predator. Brilliant Uncirculated!... More >>

2011 Canadian Silver Timber Wolf 1 Troy Oz Coin

  • .999 fine silver, 1 ounce
Product Description
This is 1 Troy Oz. coin made of .999 Pure Silver and shaped into the form of an old Buffalo nickel. Silver is an excellent investment (if it's pure) because no matter how much value the American dollar loses, silver will hold its value as precious and desired commodity. And this coin is especially collectible because of its craftsmanship and artistic value.... More >>

NEW Buffalo/Indian Head Nickel Art Coin 1 TROY OZ .999 SILVER BULLION

  • .999 Fine Silver Bar
  • 1 Troy Ounce Silver
  • Sunshine Minting
  • In original mint plastic
  • Great Investment
Product Description
1 Troy Ounce "Eagle Design" Silver Bar .999 Fine by Sunshine Minting. Bar is available and ready for immediate shipment and a good way to invest in silver.... More >>

1 Oz Fine Silver Bar - Eagle Design

Light up the Darkness With LED Flashlights

Light up the Darkness With LED Flashlights

Let's take a look at what should be one of the first things on your survival list, a good LED Flashlight. 
Imagine suddenly plunged into total darkness when the power goes out. This makes survival all the more challenging. When you can't see where you are going it is easier to get hurt. With the recent advancement in the brightness of LED technology this has really helped with length of battery life. LEDs are to the point where they burn as bright as conventional tungsten halogen bulb flashlights. They have the advantage of not needing replacement bulbs and LEDs typically last for 100,000 hours before failure.

Nu-Flare 77R92L Ultrabright Luxeon LED Aluminum Flashlight, Gumetal, 210 Lumens

  • Energy saving Power LED technology, around 8 to 10 times better energy efficiency than light bulb
  • Green Technology - 6 hours battery life at 210 Lumens, compact size for everyday carry
  • Luxeon Rebel 90 (3rd genereator Luxeon LED, 210 Lumens, about 5 times brighter than most $20 3D cell
  • It has simple tail tactical switch click on and click off. The focus is adjustable from 1X to 4X
  • High quality solid state DC-DC regulated circuit (other are DC-AC-DC non-regulated) maintain maximum
Product Description
Nu-Flare is one of the best quality compact flashlight using the 3rd generation Luxeon Rebel 90 LED from Silicon Valley (San Jose, California, USA). The new Rebel 90 has improved battery efficiency, generates less heat, and higher brightness than the Luxeon V. It has the tactical tail switch and a patented zoom focus from 1X to 4X. You should notice that this is the one of the first flashlight on market offer the zoom head. This one is small in very compact size. We saw one having a big head of 2 inches diameter. This is one of Best American Technology. Warning: There are some non-Luxeon made counterfeit 1W, 3W, and sometimes even claim 8 Watt LED on the market. They are half as bright at best and have a bluish color beam. Their light will be greatly reduced after just few hours of use due to poor quality and poor heatsink property. They are much cheaper but they are definitely not the quality of Luxeon. They are usually shipped out from Hong Kong. They are... More >>

Dorcy 41-4750 180 Lumen High Flux LED Cyber Light Flashlight with Batteries

  • Super Bright High Flux Led Providing 180 Lumens of Light Output
  • Durable Plastic & Rubber Construction - Withstands 8ft. Drop Test
  • True Spot Reflector - Providing 1,000 ft. Beam of Light
  • 5 Hour Run Time
  • Includes 4 AA Cell Batteries
Product Description
180 Lumen - 4AA High Flux LED Cyber Light Flashlight Durable construction - 8ft drop test Rubber grip True spot reflector Rubber booted push button switch Lifetime bulb - never replace 5 hour run time 1000 ft. beam Includes 4 AA cell alkaline batteries Specs: Lumens: 180 Run time: 5 hours Beam distance: 1000 ft Dimensions: 7.8"L x 1.5"W Bezel diameter: 2.25 1 lanyard included Switch: Push button top... More >>

Gunstock Survival Cache

If you have a hollowed out gunstock it makes for a great small survival cache. I put a lighter and two candles for starting fire in the gunstock. A small fishing kit with a rubber worm, two hooks, about 50 feet of 30lbs fishing line. A small sewing kit composed of a needle and thread, and 200 rounds of ammo in mine. Check out the short video on my gunstock survival kit.

Clean Water Key To Survival - Katadyn Pocket Water Microfilter

Clean Water Key To Survival

  • Pocket water filter designed four outdoor enthusiasts and international travelers
  • Filter's silver-impregnated ceramic element is effective against bacteria and protozoa
  • Filters all microorganisms larger than 0.2 microns to produce clear, drinkable water
  • Round pump handle for easy pumping; outlet hose attaches to containers with clip
Product Description
The most rugged, longest lasting microfilter available. Chosen by the U.S. military and expeditions due to it's extreme durability and dependability. For those who want the best.

Water treatment products are in high demand for outdoor enthusiasts, international travelers, and relief agencies. Few are better for long-lasting continuous use, however, than the Katadyn Pocket water microfilter. Made of heavy-duty materials, the Pocket features a silver-impregnated ceramic element that's effective against bacteria and protozoa even in extreme conditions. Unlike disposable filters, the ceramic element can be cleaned several times, even in the field. More importantly, the element filters all microorganisms larger than 0.2 microns (0.0002mm), producing clear, drinkable water no matter where in the world you are. The pump also includes an improved, round pump handle for better ergonomics and an outlet hose that attaches to w... More >>

Katadyn Pocket Water Microfilter

Ultimate Water Bottle - Lifesaver Bottle 4000 Ultra Filtration Water Bottle

Ultimate Water Bottle

  • The lifesaver 4000 ultra filtration water bottle eliminates all microbiological waterborne pathogens from water without chemicals
  • Bottle uses replaceable filters, which can treat up to 4,000 liters of water
  • The bottle treats 750 milliliters of water in just under a minute
  • Drink filtered water directly from the bottle or filter and store water in other containers
  • Two-year limited warranty
  • Activated carbon filter treats 750 ml of water in just under 1 minute
  • Chemical-free process eliminates all microbiological waterborne pathogens
  • Each replaceable filter treats up to 4,000 liters of water
  • Ultra-filtration water bottle for traveling, hiking, or emergency use
  • Watertight, snap-fit lid; weighs 22 ounces; 2-year warranty
Product Description
LIFESAVER bottle is the world's first all in one ultra filtration water bottle. It will remove bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi and all other microbiological waterborne pathogens without using chemicals like iodine or chlorine which leave a distinctive foul taste. LIFESAVER bottle produces filtered sterile drinking water quickly and easily. It incorporates LIFESAVER systems unique FAILSAFE technology (another world first) which shuts off the bottle's cartridge upon expiry, preventing contaminated water from being drunk. With LIFESAVER bottle there is no need for tablets, boiling, chemicals, tubes, shaking, scrubbing, waiting or effort. LIFESAVER bottle produces clean, sterile drinking water with no foul taste - fast! Simply Scoop and Go, give it a few pumps and that's it, as soon as you open the teat clean drinking water begins to flow.
Developed in response to natural disasters such as 2004's tsunami and H... More >>

Lifesaver Bottle 4000 Ultra Filtration Water Bottle

  • Lifesaver pre-filter disc
  • Comes with 2-pack
  • Replace as needed
Product Description
Lifesaver Bottle Ultra Filtration Water Bottle Replacement Pre-Filter Disc comes with 2-pack. It can be replaced as needed.... More >>

Lifesaver Bottle Ultra Filtration Water Bottle Replacement Pre-Filter Disc

  • Lifesaver activated carbon inserts
  • Its weight:0.1 pounds; height:0.3 inches; length:3.9 inches; width:3.1 inches
  • Replace every 250 liters
Product Description
Lifesaver activated carbon inserts and it weighs:0.1-pounds; height:0.3-Inch; length:3.9-Inch; width:3.1- Inch. Replace every 250 liters.... More >>

Lifesaver Bottle Ultra Filtration Water Bottle Replacement Carbon Inserts ,br />

Best Survival GPS - Garmin Foretrex 401 Waterproof Hiking GPS

Best Survival GPS

  • Features high-sensitivity GPS receiver with HotFix for improved performance and reception in heavy tree cover or deep canyons
  • Keeps track of routes, tracks and waypoints
  • TracBack feature retraces user's path on the easy-to-read LCD display
  • Supports dual position readout so user can view current location in multiple formats
  • Features trip computer, sunrise/sunset times, hunting/fishing information, electronic compass and barometric altimeter
Product Description
Foretrex 401 Portable GPS System... More >>

Garmin Foretrex 401 Waterproof Hiking GPS

Adventure Medical Kits SOL Origin Survival Tool

Origin Survival Tool

Product Description
FEATURES of the Adventure Medical Kits SOL Original Survival Tool
Darner Survival Instructions with 62 Lifesaving Tools & Techniques

1 Aluminum Foil, Heavy Duty, 3 Sq. Ft.
1 Sewing Needle, #7,

1 Combination Knife,
1 LED Light 10 lumen LED light provides powerful task lighting
1 Whistle - Fail-safe up to 100db
1 Compass, Button, Liquid Filled removable directional compass with waterproof compartment to protect your valuables
4 Fish Hook, #10
1 Fishing Line
1 Safety Wire, Stainless Steel, (6 ft of 0.020")
1 Signal Mirror, Rescue Flash Signal Mirror flips open from top lid and features 20 mile signal power
2 Snap Swivel, Size 12
2 Split Shot, Lead B
4 Tinder Quick
Steel blade with lockable liner is harder, holds an edge longer and sharpens easier than common steel.
1 Fire Lite striker emits a powerful shower of sparks
Additional 10' stainless steel wire, 10' nylon cord, tinder and... More >>

Adventure Medical Kits SOL Origin Survival Tool

Ultimate Survival Deluxe Survival Kit - Black

Deluxe Survival Kit

Ultimate Survival KitThe Deluxe Survival Kit is a collection of some of the world's finest camping and survival gear, containing what you need to start a fire, cut limbs for shelter, and signal for help. Whatever you do outdoors, (camping, hiking, climbing, hunting, fishing, etc.) these premier recreational, safety and camping supplies can simplify your life every day, and can help save your life on the worst days. This kit is ideal for your backpack, glovebox, ATV or boat.

Includes:BlastMatch™ Fire Starter:
Simply put it is the world's finest one-handed fire starter! It generates intensely hot sparks three times hotter than a standard match. Once you?ve tried it you'll never go back to flint again.
BlastMatch™ is safe, easy-to-use, and works in any weather.

WetFire™ Tinder:
You will love this amazing fire starting tinder is non-toxic, odorless, smokeless, and you can start a fire even in the driving rain. In fact, WetFire™ t... More >>

Ultimate Survival Deluxe Survival Kit - Black

Gerber Bear Grylls Survival Series Ultimate Knife, Serrated Edge

31-000751 Bear Grylls
Survival Series Ultimate Knife

  • Molded rubber grip and knurled striking surface butt cap
  • Saw ground back blade
  • Integrated fire starter with integrated diamond sharpener
  • Key ground-air communication patch
  • Emergency micro lanyard whistle
Product Description
From Gerber, the 31-000751 Bear Grylls Survival Series Ultimate Knife is designed to help you endure in the toughest environments. It features an ergonomic grip for comfortable handling and a dependable stainless steel blade with a versatile serrated edge. Additionally, the knife and military-grade nylon sheath are packed with innovative survival tools, including a fire starter, a diamond blade sharpener, an emergency whistle, and a pommel.

At a Glance: 4.75-inch half-serrated drop-point blade for quick, versatile cuts

Full-tang, stainless steel construction for durability

Ergonomic, non-slip rubber grip for comfortable, ac... More >>

Gerber 31-000751 Bear Grylls Survival Series Ultimate Knife, Serrated Edge

Para Cord Survival Bracelet Olive Drab Small

Para Cord Survival Bracelet Olive Drab

From the this is really cool section, great idea for carrying your Para cord with you at all times. Who knows this may start an entire new fashion trend...
  • Size Small
  • Olive Drab
Product Description
Para Cord Survival Bracelet Olive Drab Size Small
Hand tied military Para-Cord construction
Enables you to carry several feet of Para-Cord that can be used in an emergency for countless survival applications
One inch of your wrist diameter equals approximately one foot of Para-Cord 5/8" curved side release buckles for maximum comfort, convenience and strength
Packaged plastic bag
Made in USA
Fits wrist up to 7" diameter... More >>

Para Cord Survival Bracelet Olive Drab Small

Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why

Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies

  • ISBN13: 9780393326154
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!
Product Description
"Unique among survival books...stunning...enthralling. Deep Survival makes compelling, and chilling, reading."—Penelope Purdy, Denver Post
After her plane crashes, a seventeen-year-old girl spends eleven days walking through the Peruvian jungle. Against all odds, with no food, shelter, or equipment, she gets out. A better-equipped group of adult survivors of the same crash sits down and dies. What makes the difference?

Examining such stories of miraculous endurance and tragic death—how people get into trouble and how they get out again (or not)—Deep Survival takes us from the tops of snowy mountains and the depths of oceans to the workings of the brain that control our behavior. Through close analysis of case studies, Laurence Gonzales describes the "stages of survival" and reveals the essence of a survivor—truths that apply not only to surviving in the wild but also to surviving life-threatening illness, relationship... More >>

Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why

Emergency Food Storage & Survival Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to Keep Your Family Safe in a Crisis

Emergency Food Storage & Survival

Product Description
Always Be Prepared
What if your life was disrupted by a natural disaster, food or water supply contamination, or any other type of emergency? Do you have the essentials for you and your family? Do you have a plan in the event that your power, telephone, water and food supply are cut off for an extended amount of time? What if there were no medical or pharmaceutical services available for days, weeks, or months? How prepared are you?

With this guide by your side, you and your family will learn how to plan, purchase, and store a three-month supply of all the necessities—food, water, fuel, first-aid supplies, clothing, bedding, and more—simply and economically. In other words, this book may be a lifesaver.

Inside you'll find 10 steps to an affordable food storage program plus how to:
•Prepare a home "grocery store" and "pharmacy"
•Use what you store and store what you use
•Store water safely and provide for sanitat... More >>

Emergency Food Storage & Survival Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to Keep Your Family Safe in a Crisis

Gerber Bear Grylls Survival Series Ultimate Kit

Gerber Bear Grylls Survival Series Ultimate Kit

  • Fifteen piece kit
  • Lightweight, ripstop nylon bag with waterproof zipper
  • Land to air rescue and SOS instructions
  • Priorities of survival, pocket guide contains Bear?s survival essentials
  • Sheath dimensions 4.5" X 6.8" Product Description
The product of collaboration between Gerber and survival expert Bear Grylls, the Ultimate Kit is a 15-piece survival kit built for hostile environments. It fits in your pack and has everything you need--including Gerber's miniature multi-tool, a fire starter, a survival blanket, and a wire cutter--to survive even in the toughest spots.

Survival Series Ultimate Kit
At a Glance:
15-piece survival kit built for hostile environments

Includes Gerber miniature multi-tool for a range of applications

Survival blanket, fire starter, snare wire, fishing and sewing kits, and more

Land to air rescue and SOS instructions

Comes with Bear Grylls' Priorities of Surviv... More >>

Gerber 31-000701 Bear Grylls Survival Series Ultimate Kit

Kaito® Voyager Solar Dynamo Weather Radio

Kaito® Voyager Solar Dynamo Weather Radio

  • When the Unexpected happens You Better be ready - 11 Bands + NOAA Westher Alerts + Shortwave
  • 11 Bands - AM/FM, Shortwave SW1 & SW2 plus 7 weather bands
  • Durable Construction: Manufactured to be water resistant & has a rubberized body
  • 4 Way Power: Solar, hand crank, 3 "AA" (not incld), AC Adapter (not included) USB port for charging
  • 5 LED Reading lamp for Camping & Emergency, Includes power Tips for most Cell Phones
Product Description
Kaito Voyager Solar Dynamo Weather Radio, ON SALE! When the unexpected happens, it's more than a good idea to be prepared. This Voyager Radio is your link to the most current conditions, providing dependable information even in a total blackout. Built-in rechargeable batteries can be powered by a solar panel during the day and human cranking power at night. Or you can also add your own regular AA batteries. Details: Water-resistant, super-durable, rubberized body; 11 bands including AM / FM, Shortwave 1 and 2, Weather 1-7; NOAA weather alert sends an emergency wireless signal to the radio for local disasters; LED flashlight, reading lamp and SOS emergency light; Self-powered hand crank charging system; Adjustable solar panel captures energy from the sun or natural light; USB port provides standardized access to charge USB cell phones, iPod / MP3 players and more, also includes adapters for most non-standard brands; Dynamic wide-range speaker for crystal cl... More >>

Kaito® Voyager Solar Dynamo Weather Radio

Black & Decker StormStation All-In-One Rechargeable Power Source/Radio/Light

Black & Decker StormStation All-In-One

  • Rechargeable emergency power source/radio/light with locator light that goes on when power goes off
  • 25-watt power source for low-wattage devices; AM/FM/TV audio/weather-band radio; detachable flashlight
  • Rugged plastic case with soft rubber 3-position carrying handle
  • Includes 12-volt charger
  • 12.3 pounds; 2-year warranty Product Description

Power electronics, small appliances.When storm emergencies hit, it's good to have electricity, light, and a radio. It's even better to have all those things together in one place and easy to find when the lights go out. Black & Decker gives you all the emergency essentials in one handy StormStation.How it Works
This portable unit is equipped with a weather radio, power inverter, and detachable flashlight. When the power goes out, the StormStation's "Find Me" light automatically turns on. Use its 25-watt inverter to power small, essential appliances, like a clock or a cordless phone to keep lines of communication open. Or charge your cell phone via the 12-volt recharging port.
Tune in news on the unit's radio.Listen to the built-in radio to stay informed about civil and natural emergencies--it tunes in AM, FM, TV1, TV2, and weather frequencies. Or remove the flashlight to help see in your darkened home.All of these ... More >>

Black & Decker StormStation All-In-One Rechargeable Power Source/Radio/Light #SS925

Swiss Tech BGBXSV-PS 12-in-1 Platinum Series BodyGard Survivor Self-Powered Emergency Radio

Self-Powered Emergency Radio

  • Super-bright LED flashlight - high and low beam modes, red emergency flasher- signals distress or alerts oncoming traffic; includes flashlight LED, alarm flasher, manual phone charger
  • Easy to read compass large, 14 mm diameter, oil-filled, signaling mirror
  • Cell phone charging output, low voltage output for charging cell phones and MP3 players
  • Motion activated security alarm, motion sensor activates sonic alarm
  • Self-charging, powerful hand crank to generate power, state-of-the-art lithium-ion batteries technology used in cell phones and laptops
Product Description
Be prepared for anything; indoor, outdoor, emergency or non-emergency. This self-powered 12-in-1 unit can generate power when you need, wherever you need it. Never worry about batteries for your flashlight. Never worry about charging your cell phone and MP3 player. The flashing red light, panic button and motion activated security alarm helps to protect you from harm - at home, while biking, camping, hiking, fishing, hunting and boating. If you get lost, the compass and signaling mirror can help you find your way or lead others to find you. BodyGard Survivor 12-in-1 Self-Powered Emergency Companion is the newest product in Swiss Tech's line of self-powered emergency preparedness tools. Its revolutionary design enables you to quickly power-up your cell phone, MP3 player, the bright white LED flashlight, red emergency flashers, sonic alarm and FM digital radio by winding a hand crank to generate power and recharge the battery. There's a built-in storage comp... More >>

Swiss Tech BGBXSV-PS 12-in-1 Platinum Series BodyGard Survivor Self-Powered Emergency Radio

Midland ER102 NOAA All Hazards/Weather Alert Radio w/ Emergency Crank

Midland Emergency Crank Radio

  • Midland ER102 NOAA All Hazards/Weather Alert Radio w/ Emergency Crank
Product Description
ER102The ER102 was designed to be the perfect severe weather survival tool. The Dynamo crank allows you to recharge the radio and flashlight during a power outage or when away from a power source so you can stay informed with NOAA All Hazard Weather Alerts or local AM/FM broadcasts. 7 Preset Weather Channels Alert Override automatically switches from AM/FM to warn you of hazardous conditions 3 Alert Types- Display, Voice or Flashlight Flashlight Visual Alert perfect for the hearing impaired AM/FM Radio allows you to stay informed 4 Sources of Power- Alkaline Batteries, AC Adapter, Crank or Rechargeable Battery Alarm Clock - Wake to local Weather, AM/FM or Buzz Thermometer with Freeze Alert Telescoping Antenna provides crystal clear reception Water Resistant USB Connector- Allows you to charge your cell phone in an emergency Uses 3 AA alkaline batteries (not included) All Hazards Alert - in addition to important weather announcements your ... More >>

Midland ER102 NOAA All Hazards/Weather Alert Radio w/ Emergency Crank

CC COG Observer Wind-Up Emergency Radio

COG Observer Wind-Up Emergency Radio

  • Emergency AM/FM/Weather Windup Radio
  • Exceptional AM Reception
  • Built-in 3-LED Flashlight
  • Cell Phone Charging Jack
  • Lighted Display

Product Description
The CC Observer is a wind-up emergency radio. The AM reception is exceptional and there’s an LED flashlight on the side of the radio. The CC Observer runs off of the built-in rechargeable batteries or 3 "AA" alkaline batteries (not included) if preferred. Of course, if you don't have alkaline batteries around, just wind-up the radio and keep it running as long as you need. It can even be used to charge a cell phone. Along with good AM reception, there is also the FM and the Weather band — which comes in really handy when using the radio during a power failure. There's also a stereo headphone jack for private listening.... More >>

CC COG Observer wind-up emergency radio

KCO Emergency Radio Survival Kit - Red

KCO Emergency Radio Survival Kit

Product Description
Emergency Radio Survival Kit - Red. Help ensure the safety of you and your family with this resilient emergency kit from KCO.With a crank power cell phone charger, flashlight and radio you'll be ready for anything whether on the road or in the wilderness. In addition a four function whistle with compass, thermometer, and magnifier is included.Be safe and be prepared with the KCO Emergency Kit.Features include:Dynamo Powered Cell PhoneHand crank charger (3 minutes of cranking provides 2-8 minutes of talk time or up to 30 minutes on standby)Works with Samsung, Motorola RAZR, Motorola, LG, Nextel, Sony Ericsson, Kyocera/Audiovox, and Nokia phonesDimensions: 1.125 x 1.75 x 2.5 inchesDynamo Powered RadioBuilt-in rechargeable batteries can be powered by hand crank operation (1 minute of cranking provides up to 30 minutes of radio play) or charged with 3-4.5V DC jack socket (not included)Or use with 2 AA batteries (not included)AM/FM and wrist strap3.5 mm Headpho... More >>

Price: $50.22

Emergency Radio Survival Kit

2012 - End of the World Near?

2012 - End of the World Near?

Prepare for any disaster, please visit our Amazon "Survival Store"

The 2012 end of the world near prediction is on many people's minds these days. Scientists normally are skeptical of any paranormal activity. Naturally they set out to prove once and for all that the Mayan Calender is an anomaly or a fluke that can't be documented and scientifically analyzed the end of the world prediction of 2012.

Their theory was that spiritual ecstasies of Shamans was ascribed to chemical constituents of their local brew that can enhance spiritual activities. They surmised their local brew which was derived from a local herb native to the Amazon, called ayahuasca.

They performed scientific analysis only to discovered it contains a compound that enhances brain activities that resemble the natural secretions from the pineal gland. They took the herbs themselves and experienced what was later described as altered state of consciousness.

Their research led them to linking the activity of the herb in a lengthy research too complex to explain here, they were able to access information on Nuclear Deoxyribonucleic Acid, DNA, and were able to measure the wavelengths of radiations coming from atoms and subatomic particles involved.
They than created what was described as a time wave for these particles. By applying the same principle to the earth, they were able to create a time wave of history. They discovered that all the waves synchronized - both the earth and atomic waves - just once, and that was the year 2012 AD.

When Cortez invaded the land of the Mayans back in 507AD, the conquistadors destroyed most of their sacred writings. Fortunately five of their books were able to be saved. The thing that puzzled archeologists most was that their Mayan calendars abruptly ended in December 21, 2012.

Will the World End in 2012?

Ever since the calenders were discovered, many theories evolved terrorizing the End of the World in 2012.

1. The beginning of the time of the god-men on earth, resulting in a period of peace;
2. The emergence and integration of the Divine Feminine into all aspects of society.
3. The change from the fourth world to fifth world
4. The collision of the earth with an asteroid from outer space.
5. The taking over of the earth by aliens from other space,
6. The end of the world as we know it and
7. The reversal of North and South Pole.

Much Greater Chance of Natural Disaster in 2012

While many of these theories are just pure speculation, chances are very high the Earth will continue to turn and life will continue to go on as we know it.  A more likely scenario,  we will continue to be affected by man made or weather related natural disasters. In the mean time relax, being prepared offers us much greater peace of mind and will help offset fears of the many 2012 - End of the World Near theories and predictions presented online.

Survival Books to Help Your Chance to Survive

Survival Books to Help Your Chance to Survive

The last thing you need when facing a survival situation is to figure out how to get all your survival books printed off of your computer. Having a survival book or two in your pack will help pass the time and you can use it as a reference tool to help you survive.

This week we bring you good old fashioned books written on real paper. While Kindles and iPads are great for storing and reading electronic books, nothing beats a paper book. The unused pages can be used to light a fire, or even an emergency used for toilet paper.

Primitive Skills and Crafts: An Outdoorsman's Guide to Shelters, Tools, Weapons, Tracking, Survival, and More

Product Description
Anyone eager to master survival skills for outdoor vacations, or simply to find a fun new family activity for a Saturday afternoon, will be educated and inspired by the practical advice presented here by archaeologists, anthropologists, primitive practitioners, craftsmen, and artisans. These experts help modern readers rediscover the skills that have served humanity for millennia: fire-making, camp cooking, basket weaving, pottery making, animal tracking, and much more. You can even learn how to turn seashells into arrowheads or make glue from yucca plants. Plus, there’s intriguing information on the benefits of a hunter-gatherer diet. More than just a how-to, this handbook provides inspiration to live life to the fullest. ... More >>

Primitive Skills and Crafts: An Outdoorsman's Guide to Shelters, Tools, Weapons, Tracking, Survival, and More

Wilderness Survival: Staying Alive Until Help Arrives

Product Description
With this well-organized and easy-to-read book, hikers, climbers, mountain bikers, backcountry horsemen, and others can hit the trail with extra confidence. Good equipment and knowledge of how to survive the unexpected make for a safe wilderness experience. Wilderness Survival contains helpful information on trip planning, staying found, what to do if you get lost, survival priorities, and dealing with unpredictable Mother Nature.... More >>

Participating in Nature: Wilderness Survival and Primitive Living Skills

Product Description
Get in touch with your wild side! Primitive living is a way of learning about nature by participating in it. Instead of merely camping in the wilderness or passing through it, you can become part of the process. You learn about nature by using it to meet your needs for shelter, fire, water, and food. You set aside the trappings of modern culture and step directly into nature with little or nothing, to experience nature on its own terms.

Participating in Nature: Wilderness Survival and Primitive Living Skills provides a direct, hands-on experience of the world around you. With this book you have the opportunity to discover the thrill of staying warm and comfortable without even a blanket! Learn how to... More >>



KINDLE Edition
SURVIVAL, EVASION, RESISTANCE AND ESCAPE HANDBOOK, SERE and Aviation Safety Courses Available Through the FAA Combined
Take a look at the sample for this book and for details about downloading 500 free US military manuals as a thank you for taking the time to look at our book. Worth the low $1.99 price of the book alone.
This handbook is designed to provide SERE students with information to review during the basic SERE course and as an aid for retention. SERE graduates are encouraged to periodical review this information and continue your SERE education from the recommended reading list
SURVIVOR CHECKLIST.....................................1
CHAPTER I..........CODE OF CONDUCT.....................3
CHAPTER II.........GENEVA CONV... More >>

Best Survival Foods ISHTF

Best Survival Food

When it comes to survival foods, there are many choices. Let's review some of the top choices of survival foods that work best for different situations.

Canned Foods - For many people just starting out, canned foods are the most practical and inexpensive to buy. Little will go to waste, if the foods you stock up on are items your family actually will eat. Simply rotate the cans as you buy new ones. Write the expiration dates largely on the front of each can with a felt tipped permanent marker, place them on the back shelf and pull from the front. This is how supermarkets rotate their old stock. While out shopping, be sure to grab the cans from the back of the shelves as they usually have a longer shelf life. Canned foods can give you almost unlimited choices, be sure to pick up canned fruits, vegetables and sauces. Broths can be combined with dry foods like rice and beans and make a rather tasty meal. Canned foods are best if you have a place to store them, and you are staying put in your home or shelter. The downside is the cans are very heavy as the food is preserved in water. They also can go bad if the can is dented, if you ever notice a can that has a bulge, throw it away. This is a sign that bacteria has started to grow and the seal has been compromised.

Dry Foods - Dry foods like grains rice wheat and beans are easy to store. They can have a shelf life of many years and will last a very long time if kept in a dark, cool and dry environment. When storing dry foods in large volumes, make sure they are stored in rodent proof containers. Also, beware of nuts as they will not last unless vacuum packed and then be sure to check the expiration date. Similar to canned foods bulk dry foods are something you typically don't want to have in your Bug Out Bag unless they are in smaller quantities.

Dehydrated Foods - The most popular of all survival foods, dehydrated foods are vacuum packed and all the water is removed. They are known to have an extremely long shelf life, as all oxygen is removed from the packaging. They are also known as "Meals Ready to Eat" (MREs) and while not a gourmet meal, they are actually not too bad to eat. The packets are extremely light weight and easy to carry, their foil pouch also doubles as a dish. Just add boiling water and you can eat your food right out of the bag. These type of survival foods are favorites of campers and hikers and the military due to their light weight and easy prep. They come in many different flavors and are available for breakfast dinner and even dessert. Since no cookware is required, this can save you even more weight and let you bring more food along instead. While there are many different manufactures of dehydrated survival food, always be sure to check the manufacture website or package labeling for shelf life.

No matter which survival foods works best for you, stocking up is the key to make sure you have food available when you need it most.

Survival Saw

Survival Saw - This Tool Could Save Your Life!

A saw is often times handier than an axe or knife. While a knife and especially an axe will cut wood, a saw can do it faster and stealthier. In a survival situation, it is not always desirable to draw unwarranted attention to one's position.

A good survival saw should be well made and fold into a compact unit that can easily be carried on the belt or pack. Let's look at some of the best survival saws that are lightweight, easy to carry and will hold up when they are needed most.

Ultimate Survival Technologies SaberCut Saw is basically a hand held chainsaw with bi-directional cutting teeth and two straps attached to each end. This little unit will cut through small branches with ease. The main advantage to this saw is it packs up really small, although it is a little heavy to carry around all day.

This next saw is another super compact backpackers saw that makes quick work of cutting wood for camp. The 21" Sven Saw Backpacker's Saw assembles into a larger size saw when assembled. Yet when folded up, it takes up hardly any room at all. Super light and reasonably strong this makes for a good saw to have in the car or pack. One thing to be aware of is the wing nuts they use tend to work lose in heavy use. Better to have a spare on hand because when you lose one it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. Try putting some blue Locktite on the stud, let it dry and than assemble. This will add some friction to the wing nut so it will not come lose as easily. Handy little saw and well worth keeping one in you car.

For the top of the line backpackers saw the Sawvivor Collapsible Saw is the one that fits the bill. Made from aluminum for weight savings with a design that is strong and comfortable to use. This saw will not let you down. This is a quality saw that will cut through limbs and small trees like butter. The best part is, it does not cost that much. If you can only afford one saw, this is the survival saw to get first.
Sawvivor Collapsible Saw

Leave the Chainsaw at Home - Silky Saws Make Quick Work Of Brush Removal

If you have not yet experienced the hand crafted precision working cutting, trimming and pruning using a Silky Saw, you don't know what you have been missing. These precision saws built in Japan offer razor sharp teeth that shred through the toughest hardwood with minimal effort.

Read Reviews and Compare All Silky Saws on Amazon »

Silky Saw    
From their small and compact Silky Folding Landscaping Hand Saw SUPER ACCEL 210 to their largest Silky Saw 403-50 KATANA BOY 19.8-in Extra Large Tooth Folding Hand Saw, Silky has you covered with some of the best and highest rated saws on the market.

One just needs to read the reviews on Amazon to see there is something special about this tool. When you consider the price and maintenance, along with the extra weight, risk of serious injury and noise it is no wonder that many people are simply opting to buy a Silky saw and leave the chain saw at home.

The Silky SUPER ACCEL 210 Large Teeth Folding saw is one of my favorite saws. The teeth are razor sharp and I have cut small trees with this saw with ease. This unit is made in Japan and is top quality. This is a well built little saw and light to carry in your pack. The rubber grips protect your hand and keep it from slipping. In my opinion you will be hard pressed to find a better made folding saw.
While there are many other folding saws out there,  I have not found one yet that measures up to the quality and cutting ability of my Silky 210.

Be Ready When the Sh*t Goes Down:

Survival Guide to the Apocalypse

Product Description
The end of the world is coming. Are you going to be ready when the sh*t goes down? Here’s a quick checklist: Have you dug up your wife’s rose garden and built a fallout shelter, equipped with a prison where you can lock up annoying family members? Have you mapped out an escape route to your safe zone? Is there a vehicle of death sitting in your garage? Have you filled your go bag with all the needed instruments, including waterproof matches, postapocalyptic goggles, and at least one sexual party favor? Have you learned how to milk various types of animals, including a giraffe? You need this book more than you even know. Without it, you’re roadkill. Lucky for you, Forrest Griffin is the perfect apocalyptic chaperone. From spotting the signs of the global downfall to alienating your loved ones now so they don’t come looking for you after, to hot-wiring a car to starting a religion in your own image, Griffin provides you with all t... More >>

Be Ready When the Sh*t Goes Down: A Survival Guide to the Apocalypse »

Water Proof Matches, Match Case and Flint Firestarter

Water Proof Matches & Flint Firestarter

When faced with our worst case survival scenario, building a fire should always be in the back of our minds. Fire can add comfort to the worst situation. Used for boiling water to make it safe to drink, cooking and warmth, without fire we can't survive for long.

Waterproof Matches - Easiest Fire Building Tool
The most simple way to start a fire is with matches. Waterproof or Stormproof matches are by far the best since you don't need to worry about a little water getting on them and making them useless when you need them most. The storm proof matches are nicer as they flare up hotter than normal matches with less chance of getting blown out by wind. In a SHTF situation this is one more advantage in your favor.

A good idea to always keep all matches in a waterproof container as additional  insurance against moisture. If you get caught in a down pour, you will be happy to have your matches nice and dry. Keep a container full of matches on each person and a large bulk package in your bug out bag to restock from.

The Exotac MatchCap Match Case is one of the nicest match cases I have found for keeping matches dry. It is made from lightweight aircraft grade 6061 black anodized aluminum. Built into the case are two match strikers and a lanyard loop. The Exotac Match Case is waterproof to 16 feet and will do a great job of protecting your matches from the harshest elements.

As a back up, its a good idea to keep a flint or two in your pack in case you run out of matches. This gives one more simple way to start a fire with dry tinder. Depending on how dry the tinder is, a flint can take a lot more effort to get a fire started than with matches. Take good care to protect your matches and use them sparingly so they will be there when you need them. Trust me the matches and a flint beat making fire by rubbing two sticks together  anytime.

When Starting a fire with a flint, again it is very important to use dry tinder and protect the sparks from wind. You can also buy pre packaged tinder sticks, to keep in your emergency pack to make fire starting chores so much easier.

Ultimate Survival Technologies Blastmatch Fire Starter is the flint I keep in my bug out bag. It generates a stream of super heated sparks, that are actually much hotter than a match. In case your Blastmatch flint should get wet all you need to do is wipe it off and it still works. It also comes with it's own carbide striker, so you won't need to use your knife. Another very popular flint is the Swedish Firesteel a bit more compact than the Blastmatch, it works equally as well and costs a few dollars less.

Water Proof Matches, Match Case and a good Flint is something no bug out bag should ever be without.